Wireless Software Compare 27 Companies

Compare Wireless Software companies specializing in Technology for Operations & Purchasing Managers within the Lodging Management industry; including food & beverage, housekeeping & maintenance and security & telecommunications Managers and Directors. Review company profiles and choose the best Wireless Software companies for your business needs. Subscribe to an RSS feed of Business Chatter and monitor the developments and breakthroughs in Wireless Software.

At CBORD, we pride ourselves in being a leading provider for nutrition, food production, privilege control, and commerce services in education, healthcare, and related markets. Proud Member of Argentum

OnX Enterprise Solutions helps companies overcome challenges and identify opportunities to achieve exceptional results through technology. Whether you’re looking for a better cost management strategy, to improve IT performance, or augment your in-house capabilities with outsourced IT services...

NYC fire alarm systems and FDNY ARCS systems

iFAMS, the Advanced Maintenance Management System for Facilities: MicroWest Software Systems celebrates 26 years of outstanding development and service with iFAMS, the Advanced Maintenance Management System for Facilities, is an easily customizable facility and inventory management software for Windows or Web. iFAMS is sold in modules, so you only buy what...
Learn more about iFAMS, the Advanced Maintenance Management System for Facilities

ResponseTek is in the software business, delivering on-demand customer experience management (CEM) software and solutions to help companies continually improve the quality and consistency of the delivered customer experience. ResponseTek:CEM has been designed to measure and report on customer...


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Oracle MICROS provides enterprise applications for the hospitality and retail industries worldwide. Over 330,000 MICROS systems are currently installed in table and quick service restaurants, hotels, motels, casinos, leisure and entertainment, and retail operations in more than 130 countries,...

Guestware CRM software is the revolutionary hotel Guest Experience Management system that collects, manages, and reports on all guest information, enabling hotels and resorts to track the guest experience while enhancing operational efficiencies in a single database application to deliver...

TempTrak by Cooper-Atkins: TempTrak Enterprise Wireless Monitoring Solution
Learn more about TempTrak by Cooper-Atkins

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