Sales and Catering Software Compare 31 Companies

Compare Sales and Catering Software companies specializing in Technology for Operations & Purchasing Managers within the Lodging Management industry; including food & beverage, housekeeping & maintenance and security & telecommunications Managers and Directors. Review company profiles and choose the best Sales and Catering Software companies for your business needs. Subscribe to an RSS feed of Business Chatter and monitor the developments and breakthroughs in Sales and Catering Software.

At CBORD, we pride ourselves in being a leading provider for nutrition, food production, privilege control, and commerce services in education, healthcare, and related markets. Proud Member of Argentum

reciProfity is a cloud food costing app. It controls your costs, saving you time and maximizing profit. reciProfity calculates and reduces your actual food costs. reciProfity detects price creep, controls counts, and reports levels and usage by item, group, and supergroup (e.g., food, supplies,...

Since 1956, Seton has been manufacturing and distributing quality signs, labels and solutions for safer workplaces. We offer more than 200,000 products designed to increase workplace safety and compliance for millions of businesses around the globe.

Cost Control : Payroll is most often the single largest consumer of a hotel's revenues. Datavision's Payroll Control module is designed to provide the hotel's department heads with maximum control over their payroll dollars by delivering crucial operational information in a highly informative graphical format...
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EMS Campus: Schedule classes, reserve resources, manage events College and university campuses frequently struggle with the task of getting academic classes and the wide variety of non-academic meetings and events that they host into the appropriate rooms. Ensuring the availability of the necessary...
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ChefTec Software: Culinary Software Services is the leader in back-of-the-house technology for the foodservice industry. ChefTec Software provides state-of-the-art inventory control, recipe and menu costing, purchasing and ordering, and nutritional analysis. Systems available for independent restaurants to...
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Oracle MICROS provides enterprise applications for the hospitality and retail industries worldwide. Over 330,000 MICROS systems are currently installed in table and quick service restaurants, hotels, motels, casinos, leisure and entertainment, and retail operations in more than 130 countries,...

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