AH & LA (American Hotel & Lodging Association)

1201 New York Avenue NW Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005-3917

About AH & LA (American Hotel & Lodging Association)

Serving the hospitality industry for more than a century, the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AH&LA) is the sole national association representing all sectors and stakeholders in the lodging industry, including individual hotel property members, hotel companies, student and faculty members, and industry suppliers. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., AH&LA provides members with national advocacy on Capitol Hill, public relations and image management, education, research and information, and other value-added services to provide bottom-line savings and ensure a positive business climate for the lodging industry. Partner state associations provide local representation and additional cost-saving benefits to members.

Competitors of AH & LA (American Hotel & Lodging Association)

Lawyer/consultants 100% focused on hotel advisory representation and services for owners, developers and lenders. Read More

Join this elite corps of hotels committed to saving water, saving energy and reducing solid waste. Stop throwing money away! Learn how to conserve and save by joining TODAY! e-mail: [email protected] Read More