Bar-Maid Corporation

362 Midland Avenue, Suite 4
Garfield, NJ 07026

About Bar-Maid Corporation

Secure-Loc offers a quality line of silent hotel guestroom mini fridges and in-room safes. Our hotel guestroom mini fridges all boast a 100% silent operation using the latest in absorption and thermoelectric cooling technologies. Our hotel safes are available in custom sizes and configurations to meet any requirement. Additional product information can be found on our website or by calling us.

Competitors of Bar-Maid Corporation

CAN Capital, Inc.

CAN Capital is in the business of providing small companies like yours with access to working capital. Since 1998, our wholly-owned subsidiaries have provided small businesses access to funds more than 148,000 times across the country. Our cutting-edge technology, quick application,... Read More

Forbes Industries

Forbes Industries is a US-based manufacturer with over 100 years of experience designing and manufacturing mobile carts and static products for the hospitality and restaurant industries. Most products are manufactured in Forbes’ state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in California and ship... Read More