Check and Coat Room Compare 4 Companies

Compare Check and Coat Room companies specializing in Front Desk for Operations & Purchasing Managers within the Lodging Management industry; including food & beverage, housekeeping & maintenance and security & telecommunications Managers and Directors. Review company profiles and choose the best Check and Coat Room companies for your business needs. Subscribe to an RSS feed of Business Chatter and monitor the developments and breakthroughs in Check and Coat Room.

Manufacturer of garment storage equipment, desk accessories, recycling bins, sight divider screens, showcases and other accessories. For over 80 years, the Magnuson family has been providing a unique blend of excellent product design, quality, value and customer service. Since the early 1920’s...

Tubular steel folding baby cribs, Tubular steel folding roll-a-way beds, garment racks, laundry carts

Enclosed-track, Garment/ Uniform conveyors for Casinos, hotels, many industries. Prefabricated modular design. No corner wheels or sprockets are required. 100lbs/foot load capacity