Travel Agent Commission Processing Compare 3 Companies

Compare Travel Agent Commission Processing companies specializing in Finance for Operations & Purchasing Managers within the Lodging Management industry; including food & beverage, housekeeping & maintenance and security & telecommunications Managers and Directors. Review company profiles and choose the best Travel Agent Commission Processing companies for your business needs. Subscribe to an RSS feed of Business Chatter and monitor the developments and breakthroughs in Travel Agent Commission Processing.

Dallas-based Pegasus Solutions, Inc. is a global leader in providing technology and services to hotels and travel distributors. Founded in 1989, Pegasus’ customers include a majority of the world’s travel agencies and more than 86,000 hotel properties around the globe. Pegasus’ services include...

TravelClick ( is the leading provider of revenue generating solutions for hoteliers across the globe. TravelClick offers hotels world-class reservation solutions, business intelligence products and comprehensive media and marketing solutions to help hotels grow their...