Awnings and Canopies Compare 12 Companies

Compare Awnings and Canopies companies specializing in Furniture, Fixtures and Furnishings for Operations & Purchasing Managers within the Lodging Management industry; including food & beverage, housekeeping & maintenance and security & telecommunications Managers and Directors. Review company profiles and choose the best Awnings and Canopies companies for your business needs. Subscribe to an RSS feed of Business Chatter and monitor the developments and breakthroughs in Awnings and Canopies.

Highly awarded line of outdoor furniture utilized in the healthcare, hospitality, recreational and residential markets. The furniture is manufactured from Andure®, a polypropylene/ titanium alloy resin with a satin finish that is unbreakable, substantial in weight and is also UV resistant,...

OpenAire is the world’s premier designer, manufacturer, and installer of custom enclosures, roofs, skylights, and facades. OpenAire specializes in large scale aluminum fixed and/or retractable structure. OpenAire structures are found in distinctive venues across the globe including aquatic...

For bar rails, foot rails, stair rails, service rails and partition dividers in brass and stainless steel material. Custom fabricated sneeze guards and custom bends are also available. A variety of metal and powdercoat finishes are also offered.

Gallina has been a USA polycarbonate multi-wall sheet manufacturer since the Spring of 2007. We are committed to the Plastic Distributors to help their customers design 'Green' projects. Gallina sheets can be used for skylights, canopies, windows, office dividers, POP displays, and much more.

Outdoor Lifestyle has grown to one of the major manufacturers and suppliers to the casual furniture industry. We take care of every little detail, because it is the small things that make all the difference. Outdoor Lifestyle offers a complete range of cast aluminum, combination cast/wood and...

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